Black Lives Matter mural placed on top of building in 5 Points neighborhood –

Posted: July 21, 2020 at 12:07 pm

By Kirsten Gutierrez, WRAL reporter

Raleigh, N.C. A new mural in Raleigh's Five Points neighborhood is sure to catch your eye the next time you drive through.

The mural is meant to call for action and demand change.

At the 5 Points intersection in Raleigh, you'll notice familiar faces.

Those faces were placed on top of the Shps at 1700 building Friday as a showcase of solidarity. Among the people now covering the edges of the roof are Michael Brown, Jordan Baker, Trayvon Martin, and Tamir Rice. On the other side of the building are Eric Garner, George Floyd, Breona Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery.

Its great for one thing. Its part of getting together. Just hope everyone gets on one accord and gets together," said 5 Points resident Edgar Cross.

Many who live in the neighborhood are just starting to notice the mural and believe its a great way to spread awareness.

" [It's} such a great response to see here in a very conservative neighborhood that doesnt have any murals yet, I think it speaks high volumes of education and what we want our community to reflect as well as our downtown community," said Carolyn Walker, a 5 Points resident.

So far, the posters have spoken far louder than expected.

I think thats the purpose of it, to make change," said Cross.

The owner of this building said they planned to keep the mural up for as long as the posters last.

See the rest here:

Black Lives Matter mural placed on top of building in 5 Points neighborhood -

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