Police force apologizes for sharing Facebook post that led to threats against woman – Winnipeg Free Press

Posted: June 21, 2020 at 1:47 pm

The Winnipeg Police Service is apologizing for sharing a social media post that led to a local woman receiving death threats and being harassed online.

On June 11, police officers arrested a suspect and were later criticized for their use of force. A video of the arrest showed an officer kicking a suspect while other officers were restraining him on the ground. The woman posted about the incident on Facebook, and the Winnipeg Police Service included her post in its response on social media in an attempt to counter the "negative narrative" from those who criticized the polices use of force, WPS spokesman Rob Carver told CBC News. The woman was subjected to threats and deleted her Facebook account after her post reached a much wider audience because of the police services platform.

"I think we did harm to a private citizen and I think we'velooked at that, and ifI had a chance to talk to the woman, I would offer myapologies as a media officer," Carver told CBC News.

To read more of this story first reported by CBC News, click here.

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See the article here:

Police force apologizes for sharing Facebook post that led to threats against woman - Winnipeg Free Press