Only in America: Trump threatens to shut down Twitter in rant about ‘free speech’ on Twitter – The Donaldson Sisters – The Donaldson Sisters

Posted: June 1, 2020 at 2:50 am

Oh, the delicious irony.

The US President took to the social media platform this week to complain about bias against conservatives by social media companies after Twitter fact-checked some of his tweets about mail-in voting.

Twitter had announced it was working to expand existing product features and policies after the widower of former congressional aide Lori Klausutis wrote a letter to the company asking them to delete tweets by Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr., implying that MSNBC host (and Klausutis then-boss) Joe Scarborough may have murdered her.

While those tweets werent deleted, Twitter added a disclaimer to another Trump tweet that stated mail-in voting would be substantially fraudulent and result in a rigged election which led to an explosive rant by the President on the platform.

Twitter is completely stifling FREE SPEECH, and I, as President, will not allow it to happen! he wrote, later threatening to shut down social media companies that totally silence conservative voices.

We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen, he added.

Given the President has averaged about 28 tweets a day this year to his 80 million-plus followers, this seems unlikely.


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Only in America: Trump threatens to shut down Twitter in rant about 'free speech' on Twitter - The Donaldson Sisters - The Donaldson Sisters

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