Port of Esbjerg Getting EUR 134 Million Investment for Offshore Wind Facilities – Offshore WIND

Posted: May 14, 2020 at 5:53 pm

Nordic infrastructure fund Infranode is preparing an investment of up to DKK 1 billion (circa EUR 134 million) for new infrastructure facilities at the Danish port of Esbjerg which will be used for the offshore wind industry.

The investment will go into port facilities for storage, preassembly and manufacturing of components for offshore wind turbines.

This investment is part of our strategy of being a long-term partner to the public sector in the green transition currently unfolding in Denmark and throughout the Nordic region, and we look forward to investing in more Danish infrastructure projects, said Joel Lfroth, who is in charge of Infranodes activities in Denmark.

According to the port of Esbjerg, investment will be made available gradually and are expected to create as many as 2,000 new jobs.

We have a really strong platform in Esbjerg and in all of Denmark in terms of the green energy potential. The physical settings are in place at the port of Esbjerg, and this agreement will set the base for the necessary financial capabilities for unlocking the huge potential so we can establish the necessary production capacity, said Port Esbjerg CEO Dennis Jul Pedersen.


Port of Esbjerg Getting EUR 134 Million Investment for Offshore Wind Facilities - Offshore WIND

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