A health startup backed by Microsoft has raised $120 million for a new approach to patient data, and the technology is poised to upend the way doctors…

Posted: May 14, 2020 at 5:36 pm

Innovaccer, a healthcare technology company, is focused on helping doctors, hospitals, and other players in healthcare talk to one another.

That's a tougher task than it might seem. The electronic medical records systems in use across the US often don't make it easy to transfer information, leaving physicians notoriously reliant on fax machines.

Innovaccer was started in 2014 to help solve this problem. The company provides platforms that help healthcare providers exchange information about their patients in real time. Its latest offering is called InAPI, and works by giving healthcare companies a common language to use for digital health information, which tends to vary across health records systems, hospitals, and doctors groups.

The technology is timely. The way hospitals handle data has proved inefficient for many, as the novel coronavirus flooded their emergency departments, labs, and critical care wings with patients, and they were asked to quickly report more data to regulators.

The US Department of Health and Human Services has also passed rules requiring providers to share health information with patients and health insurers, using a standard known as Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR, pronounced like fire).

It dictates how patient data should be coded in computers. Companies like Innovaccer, Change Healthcare, and Orion Health are helping with the transition.

"Left on its own, the industry will move at a slower pace," said Mark Hetz, a senior research director at the Advisory Board. "But when these things start to become a requirement, or it's clear that this is the standard that everyone should be adopting, that takes the risk out of it and people move more quickly."

Innovaccer's CTO Mike Sutten Innovaccer

Innovaccer's new platform uses FHIR give doctors and consensual third parties, including payers, app makers, and researchers, access to data that's all in the same place,according to Mike Sutten, the chief technology officer.

"We spent a decade digitizing the records," said Sutten.

The next challenge is "getting all those functions and people that are involved in caring for a person to operate as one," he said.

Read more: The US teamed up with Palantir on a secretive project to analyze coronavirus data. Now, they want to gather personal health information, too.

The San Francisco-based startup works with more than 25,000 providers typically mid-sized health systems like Connecticut's Hartford Healthcare and collaborates with cloud businesses like Microsoft Azure, according to the company.

To date, Innovaccer has raised $120 million from the likes of Microsoft's M12, Tiger Global, and Westbridge, a spokesperson told Business Insider.

The company deals with application programming interfaces, or APIs, which are common ways for applications to talk to one another. They're commonly used across the internet, for instance to let online shoppers buy merchandise through PayPal or view the weather on Google instead of a weather site.

But APIs can be messy in the world of healthcare, and Innovaccer's role is to make them more uniform.

Innovaccer's platform reaches into health systems' computers and pulls their patient data onto a cloud-based environment like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure, where its APIs are wrestled into submission.

Once there, everything from simple details, like patients' birthdays, to more complex ones, like how blood sugar is recorded, is standardized and sent back to the providers' servers.

Through the platform, Innovaccer can make patients' comprehensive medical history available to providers, no matter what kind of electronic health records, claims systems, or insurance companies are used, Sutten said.

The data it collects on the cloud can be shared by patients with other doctors and hospitals, health insurers, or apps, as long as they give permission, Sutten said. Innovaccer is hoping that aggregation leads to public health benefits.

"After that is when the users get to take advantage of it. Whether they use some of the applications we have built for care management, or whether they could build their own applications," Sutten said.

Health insurers could use the platform to more efficiently determine what services a patient received and how sick they are, Sutten said. And Innovaccer has created tools that show doctors things like what a patients' insurance covers, according to Sutten.

But the implications extend beyond traditional stakeholders. Innovaccer is thinking of ways the data could help people lead healthier lifestyles through partnerships with apps or health systems.

"We make it very personal," Sutten said. "We find out, do they have care at home? Do they have transportation? Do they have access to healthy food? All those things go into caring for a population," he said.

While regulatory changes were also at play, the pandemic has underscored the need for greater interoperability, according to the Advisory Board's Hetz.

That's the ability for computer systems, in this case healthcare computer systems, to talk to each other and to external servers, broadly speaking.

"I think there are a lot of organizations out there that wish they had invested more in skills development and such around FHIR so they could respond more quickly," Hetz said in the interview.

Hospitals have been struggling to meet the coronavirus reporting requirements to health officials due to various technical challenges, including limited interoperability, as Business Insider reported.

Meanwhile, those that can help make sense of the data have been busier than ever.

Orion Health, a healthcare software company, has been implementing FHIR-compliant telehealth, triage, and patient portals for hospitals across Europe as providers looked for ways to better handle so many coronavirus patients, according to Chris Lucas, vice president of Orion's clinical portals.

"Being able to enable an outcome where you can aggregate all this information is pretty powerful," Lucas said. "I do feel that the situation is changing people's perceptions as to how important it is to have that joined record," he said.

Change Healthcare offers similar services and recently shared its APIs free of charge to health plans, according to CEO Neil de Crescenzo and vice president of healthcare platforms, Gautam Shah.

Shah said the pandemic probably hasn't accelerated healthcare groups' transition to FHIR as much as it's increased their appreciation for data management in the long-term.

"They're still thinking about how to care for the patients that are coming through their doors," he said in an interview.

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A health startup backed by Microsoft has raised $120 million for a new approach to patient data, and the technology is poised to upend the way doctors...