Letters to the Editor 5-15-2020: Set aside hate, get facts and no censorship – The Macomb Daily

Posted: May 14, 2020 at 5:25 pm

Put hate aside, work for all

I am not an easy going person all the time, but there is something in the water that has caused all this hate during this time of lockdown. The name calling and threats, carrying weapons into the Capitol building and the partisan politics are getting more radical as each side becomes entrenched in who is right and wrong. There are thousands of people who have died during this pandemic, for no choice of their own. We all want to get back to work, school, church and the normal life that we had until February.

There may be constitutional rights, but they all have to take a back seat to the COVID-19 virus, not that we don't have those rights, but not the right to cause harm or spread infections. Ask those who have lost family, friends and co-workers and they would likely set aside their rights to have them back.

Put the hate and politics aside and work together for the good of all.

Tom Gilbert


Governor Whitmer has a task force to study why a higher percentage of blacks have died from the coronavirus. This task force should search for facts and not excuses.

George Hardy


As a long time subscriber to The Macomb Daily, I read the two gentlemen's letters from the May 10 edition. Although I did not agree with them, the part that was of concern to me was that the one urged you not to publish the offending column (authored by Brian Pannebecker). We live in the United States of America. We have freedom of speech. Not everyone is in step with the mainstream media as he states. No one is forcing them to read these columns. There are certain writers that I do not read because I know I do not agree with them but that doesnt mean I think they shouldnt be published. I also try and read some that I dont agree with to try and understand where they are coming from. I spend time fact-checking from different sources and then make up my mind. We have these freedoms because we live in America.

Janet Vereecken

Macomb Twp.

Original post:
Letters to the Editor 5-15-2020: Set aside hate, get facts and no censorship - The Macomb Daily

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