There is no place for hate speech in Iowa – Iowa City Press-Citizen

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:00 pm

Shams Ghoneim Published 8:35 a.m. CT April 23, 2020

Shams Ghoneim(Photo: Special to the Press-Citizen)

The reported Islamophobic, homophobic, uglyand appalling online comments by Muscatine County jail administrator Dean Naylor must be condemned and promptly addressed by both Johnson and Muscatine counties' leaderships, including city councils and mayors.

The Johnson County sheriff has had a 10- to 12-year contract with Muscatine County, allowing him to send overflow inmates to relieve overcrowding in our jails. These inmates are as yet to be charged and/or are awaiting trial.

Maybe it is time that this agreement is evaluated or ended in view of this latest serious incident.Free speech is protected under the Constitution, but federal lawand the U.S. and Iowa constitutions protect against discrimination based on religion, sexual orientation, age, race, national originand disability.

According to news reports, inmates in Muscatine jails have been complaining of discriminatory treatment. The ACLU of Iowaclarified the position regarding free speech as long as that speechdoes not lead to discriminatory action by a government employee/entity. Nevertheless, when an employee hateful speech results in creating a hostile work environment causing disruption or discrimination at the workplace, that protection becomes null. Such speech can also be used as evidence against the individuals if and when it is related to civil rights claim or other legal action taken. This would be the case when personal beliefs spill into the management of the jail and negatively affects both staff and inmates.

The Johnson County Board of Supervisors and leadership are commended for their prompt response to this reprehensible behavior by a government employee of a partner Iowa county. This incident should be a warning to anyone that may be engaged in civil rights violations that can readily lead to a class action suit be brought against any government official involving discrimination of protected communities as identified by law.

Even though currently there are no policies in either county to respond to such allegations,I urge both Johnson and Muscatine county officials to formally establish future guidelines to address such hateful and potentially illegal speech.

We cannot allow government employees paid by our own tax dollars to freely engage in hateful speech leading to discriminatory behavior against protected minorities.

Shams Ghoneimwas born and raised in Cairo, Egypt, immigratedformallyto the U.S. from Canada in 1967 and has lived in Iowa City for 52 years. She graduated from the University of Iowas graduate college, was on the universitys professional scientific staff for 32 years and has served on the Press-Citizens Editorial Board since retiring in 2008.

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There is no place for hate speech in Iowa - Iowa City Press-Citizen

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