Brave new world on social media – The Gazette

Posted: April 20, 2020 at 12:50 am

Lena Gebotszrajber Gilbert

I am wondering about the sanctity of social media boundaries which, at times, there seem to be none.

With the social distancing measures imposed upon us, many are becoming more and more engaged in using social media to strengthen ties as we practice social distancing. But me thinks that now more than ever we need to refortify social etiquette applying the Golden Rule to social media gatherings.

I wonder what Dear Abby would have to say, but Dear Lena has this to say:

When friends, colleagues, family or acquaintances organize a social media gathering, would not the same rules apply as if that same person invited you to their home?

Even though the virtual gatherers may all be sitting around in their PJs tuned in to talk about [whatever], your host still is your host and has put thought and care into establishing the gathering. So gatherers might want to think about the temptation to interrupt, redirect, and the like.

When weve been invited to someones house for a party it would be unlikely that attendees would dictate the actions and plans of the host. A social media gathering should be no different.

So yes, lets heal the world Tikun Olam with kindness and compassion, but there are many forms of kindness and compassion. Showing compassion and kindness is not always an outward action; it can be an inward, reflective, contemplative non-verbal deed. One need not say everything that comes to mind.

Please be respectful of your Social Media host.

Lena Gebotszrajber Gilbert


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Brave new world on social media - The Gazette

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