Lawmakers say Walz order is a violation of The First Amendment – KWLM (Willmar Radio)

Posted: April 18, 2020 at 7:02 pm

(Willmar MN-) One area lawmaker says he thinks Governor Tim Walz' Stay at Home order violates the First Amendment by closing churches. Minnesota Christians were forced to celebrate Easter Sunday at home, watching services on the internet or listening on the radio instead of attending at their places of worship. On Legislative Review Saturday, Representative Tim Miller of Prinsburg said the governor's Stay at Home order which caused churches to close their doors is a violation of the separation of church and state...

...Representative Dean Urdahl of Grove City said he's been told people attending drive-up church services from their cars have been threatened...

...Urdahl says the governor's decrees are directives, but they need to be made into law by statute in order to be enforceable. Urdahl says the current government reaction to Covid 19 has had unintended consequences, and there needs to be flexibility.

See the article here:
Lawmakers say Walz order is a violation of The First Amendment - KWLM (Willmar Radio)

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