How the online entertainment industry is powered by tech innovations – IMC Grupo

Posted: April 11, 2020 at 7:11 pm

Digitalizationand the rapid pace of technology have disrupted every industry and business.Gambling and casinos are no different. Ask any gamer and they will tell youthat the biggest transformation is through online gaming platforms. Whileonline and internet gaming has been around for a while, the mushrooming of online casino can be seen only in the past couple of years.

What has led tothe surge in popularity of online gambling is the smart use of technology andOmni-channel access to these casinos. The gambling industry worldwide is seeinga revolution of sorts with the use of advanced tech and software like virtualreality, block chain, artificial intelligence etc. Lets take a look at some ofthe dominant tech trends that are empowering online casinos and gambling.

One concern thatgamblers have while transitioning to online casinos is of course security.However, with advances in technology, online gambling has become more robustand secure. Data protection laws and stricter compliance mean that onlinecasinos are taking extra measures to ensure safe and secure user experience.Some ways in which online casinos achieve this is by using data encryption,random number generator software, implementing privacy policies and ensuringthey have the updated gaming licenses.

Better gamingsoftware and advances in payment technology have enabled faster transactionsand deposits of winnings. Often money deposits are instant and bettors no longerhave to wait for their winnings to realize.

Online casinogaming has improved significantly in recent years. The animations and graphicsfor one have become more realistic and immersive with details that create amore engaging user experience.

Even the audioquality of the games is at par with real casinos.

In an era whereeveryone owns a smartphone, it would be surprising if you couldnt entertainyourself with online gambling and gaming on your phone. Some of the best onlinecasinos offer an unmatched mobile gambling and gaming experience. This enablescasinos to tap into a highly young and mobile audience that can use theirwebsite or app on the go.

Augmented Realityand Virtual Reality are highly innovative technologies that are also becoming apart of the mobile gambling experience. Using a VR headset, players can get thethrill of playing in a casino albeit online. One can play some of the topcasino games such as blackjack, poker or slot games. Players get the ultimatelive-playing experience aided by these technologies.

ArtificialIntelligence or AI has not only impacted every other digital business but alsobecome a part of the online casino industry.

Elements of AI likechat-bots have been already executed on some of the top casino platforms. Thesebots perform functions like user onboarding, payout processes or handlingcustomer queries, grievances and complaints.AI and ML also help users to playagainst the machines and also enable users to perform searches easily.

As digitalpayment technology advances, online casinos have enabled a range of cashlesspayment options. Now payment gateways have enhanced the payment methods andsecurity such that you can use a variety of third party services, payment appsand digital wallets.

Moreinterestingly, online casinos have now enabled cryptocurrencies as a mode ofpayment. Of these, Bitcoin is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies used onseveral platforms. Customers are often surprised with a discount or a cashbackoption when using such cashless modes of transaction.

PredictiveAnalytics uses historical and current data to offer personalized and customizedservices across a range of industries. Now online casinos have also embracedpredictive analytics to use historical user data and make personalizedrecommendations to gamblers based on their usage trends and behavior on thewebsite. It then becomes possible to target these users and send promotionaloffers as well as deals that help casinos increase their conversion rates.

Why restrict thefun of casino games to websites and mobile apps? It is 2020 and the world isusing technology to the optimum. Now you can wear devices like smartwatchesthat let you access casino games anytime, anywhere.


As the worldpractices more social distancing and seeks entertainment online, technologywill be the key enabler that will drive further growth to the online gaming andentertainment sector.

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How the online entertainment industry is powered by tech innovations - IMC Grupo

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