As Democrats Try to Move On From the Caucus Chaos – The New York Times

Posted: February 10, 2020 at 11:45 pm

To the Editor:

Re How Buttigieg Became Surprise of the Caucuses (front page, Feb. 8):

A political party that has serious problems with addressing people in small towns and Middle America is behaving foolishly. Pete Buttigieg can and should argue that he has faced the issues troubling a great swath of this country. The other candidates should not play down the experience he has had being the mayor of a small Midwest city. That is where the problems are most acute: unemployment, opioids, suicides, struggling farmers and systemic racism.

Listen to Mr. Buttigieg. At least dont make fun of his work with Americans who are largely forgotten. He is not part of the coastal elite nor a Washington insider. Do not make fun of that experience.

William ElwellRochester, N.Y.

To the Editor:

I read The Donald Trump Theory of Bernie Sanders, by Frank Bruni (column, Feb. 9), and wondered how we could avoid a replay of Jeremy Corbyns whopping defeat by Boris Johnson in Britain. Imagine if starting now, the Bernie Bros changed the script and pledged to make 2020 a different election than 2016 by committing to put all their force behind whichever candidate fairly wins the nomination.

And heres a radical idea! Imagine if Bernie wins the nomination and leads his troops in coming forward to acknowledge the mistakes they made in villainizing Hillary Clinton. Imagine if Bernie then transformed our fractured party into one inclusive big tent? A tent full of passionate voters who could decisively beat President Trump.

Jill DearmanBrooklyn

To the Editor:

Re The Harrowing Chaos of the Democratic Primary (column, Feb. 8):

Michelle Goldberg says she envies those who are exhilarated, rather than terrified, that the fate of American democracy could soon be Bernie or bust. I share her sense of terror. I do not think the vast majority of voters will embrace Bernie. I believe that this is President Trumps dream scenario. We cant afford the risk.

But there is one candidate who is gaining traction and could well be a viable alternative: Amy Klobuchar. She had a stellar debate performance Friday night. She has been endorsed by this newspaper (with Elizabeth Warren), as well as by three large daily New Hampshire newspapers. This isnt a Buttigieg-Sanders fight. Ms. Klobuchar is a serious contender, and its time she received the attention she deserves.

Anne L. FingerTeaneck, N.J.

To the Editor:

Michelle Goldberg blames Joe Biden for the chaos? President Trump clearly went after Mr. Biden because he knows the former vice president is the candidate best positioned to beat him. The question is, why do Democrats and the liberal media also attack him, at best damning him with faint praise?

We need to choose a candidate who cant be immediately dismissed by many as a socialist, or inexperienced, or buying himself an election, or perhaps even, I am very sorry to say in 2020, a woman. That candidate, who has, as Ms. Goldberg concedes, an unmatched biography and name recognition, is Joe Biden.

Cut the chaos, fellow Democrats, or well have no one to blame but ourselves for Mr. Trump and the Republicans continuing destruction of our Constitution and our democracy.

Ann Dorton BellMalvern, Pa.

To the Editor:

Re Buttigieg, Not Sanders, Emerges as a Problem for Warrens Candidacy (news article, Feb. 8):

Your article on Elizabeth Warrens problem with former Mayor Pete Buttigieg ignores her biggest problem national skepticism over her wealth tax proposal. But it is easily solved: Rename it the patriot tax.

Jonathan GerardDurham, N.C.

To the Editor:

The Iowa Democratic caucuses appear to have been designed to imitate the Caucus-race from Alices Adventures in Wonderland. The Caucus-race was designed by the Dodo: Everyone started when they wanted to, and left off when they liked. It was not easy to see when the race was over, until the Dodo shouted that it was. When asked who had won, the Dodo could not answer without a great deal of thought, but eventually replied, Everybody has won, and all must have prizes.

For the sake of democracy and the Democratic Party, the Iowa caucuses should be allowed to suffer the same fate as befell the actual dodo bird.

John Gordon RoyNew Fairfield, Conn.

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As Democrats Try to Move On From the Caucus Chaos - The New York Times

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