Boles’ ‘The Hive’ buzzing in robotics competition – Herald-Banner

Posted: January 27, 2020 at 1:03 am

Five VEX IQ Robotics teams from Boles Middle School, collectively known as The Hive, competed in a tournament on Jan. 11 at Cain Middle School in Rockwall.

Out of those five teams, two qualified to continue onto the VEX IQ Region 2 Middle School state championship, which will be on Feb. 29 at the Ann Richards STEAM Academy in Dallas.

One of the teams going onto the state championship next month, Team 23172C, partnered with a team from Ann Richards Middle School at the Jan. 11 competition, and together they earned the title of Teamwork Challenge Champions. The members of Team 23172C of The Hive are Jonathan Cruthird, Caroline Lewis, Jensen Simmons and Garrett Young-Frey.

The other team to continue to state is Team 23172A, who partnered with a team from Royse City Middle School and got second place in the Teamwork Challenge. Team 23172As members are Jacob Bickerstaff, Loralai Clark, Bianca Diera and Ethan Selden.

Both teams, 23172C and 23172A, also placed in the events skills challenge, with 23172A coming in second place and 23172C making it to fifth place.

As for Boles other VEX IQ teams, Team 23172B joined forces with a team from Pine Tree Junior high School to finish eighth place in the teamwork challenge and was ranked 16th in the skills challenge, while Team 23172E worked with another team from Cain Middle School to end the teamwork challenge in 10th place.

Team 23172B consists of Bryce Calkins, Ryan Malphurs and David Springer, and Team 23172E is made up of Ryder Morrison, Grayson Salisbury and Phoenix Siebenhausen.

This Saturday, all of the Boles Middle School VEX IQ Robotics teams are participating in and hosting their tournament at the Boles campus.

See the rest here:

Boles' 'The Hive' buzzing in robotics competition - Herald-Banner

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