Picking a seat more than just place to sit – GamingTodaySlotsToday

Posted: January 27, 2020 at 12:34 am

You have just arrived at your local casino to play your favorite poker game $4-$8 limit Texas holdem. Signing up for a seat, there are several names ahead of you so you can expect to wait a bit before you are called to one of the tables.

Thats O.K. That gives you time to look over the games in play. There are four full tables, nine players plus the dealer, at each. Casually and unobtrusively walk around and observe the games underway.

For various reasons, you may prefer one of them over the others. Some are loose and aggressive lots of players staying to see the flop, and lots of raising before the flop.

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Some tables are very tight few players staying to see the flop and little raising. The pots are much smaller.

Do you have a preference? At those limits, I dare say that most are recreational players. The pros prefer the higher stakes games. Your goal is to win money, the more the merrier. You cant do that at a tight table. The cost-to-play (about $25 per hour for each player) will eat up your profit.

Whats more, imagine catching Aces-full with only one opponent remaining in the pot to call your bets. Frustrating to say the least.

I speak only for myself, but I think I am pretty much typical of recreational players. I prefer games that are neither too tight nor too loose three or four players staying to see the flop, with a modest amount of aggressiveness to help build the size of the pots. And I expect to contribute to the aggressiveness by betting out or raising when its in my best interests building the pot or reducing the size of the playing field by forcing out some opponents, as best suits me at the time, considering the situation and my seat position.

Some players prefer very aggressive games with lots of raising. Whats your preference?

Its only natural to look to see who the chip winners are and who are the losers at the table. How many stacks (racks) of chips does each have in front of him? But be aware that players with lots of chips are not necessarily winners. They could just as well have started with even more chips.

On the other hand, those with relatively few chips less than the minimum buy-in are losers, for sure. Personally, I prefer playing at a table with lots of losers and few opponents with two or more stacks that are could-be winners. Losers usually play much tighter than the others. That makes it easier to play marginal drawing hands from early position preflop without a huge investment risk too high for comfort.

Time permitting, also observe the general mood at the table. Is everyone laughing and chatting away? Is there a lot of drinking? Are there players who keep their eyes on the football game being shown on the big TV up on the wall? Thats the kind of table at which I like to play. A player who does not focus on the poker game gives a real advantage to a serious player who is there to win.

After you are called to a table, if its not one you prefer, simply tell the floorperson: Ill wait for a different table. Hopefully, the next table will be more to your liking. If not, you can play cautiously for a while; and, if it doesnt improve to your liking, ask for a table change. It does take patience but the reward is bound to be worth the effort.

After being seated, its not enough to recall your earlier evaluation of that table. Continue your observations of these factors as long as you are playing there. Players come and go. It would be wise to make note of each opponents approximate chip count as the game progresses. Did a player buy more chips? How many more?

Now, with a quick glance at your notes, you know whether he is winning or losing valuable information that gives you an edge over all the others.

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Picking a seat more than just place to sit - GamingTodaySlotsToday