Senate Republicans have final chance to stand for country – The Daily Herald

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 11:41 pm


With the opening of the Senate impeachment trial, the Republican Party has one last chance to redeem itself. Odds are slim this will happen.

Never has a Party been so thoroughly brow-beaten and cowed by a president. Its members are individually and collectively terrified of crossing a vindictive, vicious leader who has shown no hesitance to turn on anyone who opposes him. The trip from hero to hindquarter is a short one in this administration. So the party of small government finds itself bending over backward to grease the skids for the ascent of a president with dictatorial aspirations. How ironic.

In their blind lust to save their partys political dominance or their individual scurvy political careers, they have betrayed literally everything they claim to hold dear: the Constitution, the rule of law, limited government, family values, fiscal conservatism, respect for the institutions of government: all negotiable, all abandoned in defense of a president who has no commitment to any of those things.

The formerly Grand Old Party rolls over like beaten dog. Republican voters should take note: The heel-clicking and mouth-shutting being demonstrated by your senators and representatives today, will be demanded of you tomorrow. He who locks up other peoples children today will lock yours up tomorrow. He who would bomb other peoples religious monuments today, will attack yours tomorrow.

I sincerely hope 53 Republican senators are miraculously cured of their electile dysfunction and finally stand up for America. But Im not betting on it.

Ken Dammand


See the article here:

Senate Republicans have final chance to stand for country - The Daily Herald

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