It is time to call out the intolerant woke’s racist double standards –

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 11:26 am

Sadly, militant reductionists have no time for nuance.

The scourge of identity politics also means that examples of racism against white people are overlooked. Take the child abuse scandal in Manchester. This week, a detective claimed that a grooming gang, predominantly men from Asian backgrounds, was free to roam the city and abuse young girls because police officers were told to find other ethnicities to investigate. This is disturbingly reminiscent of cases from Rotherham to Telford, where the abuse of white girls by ethnic minority males was ignored, as shrugging sexism collided with crushing political correctness.

How did it come to this? Things looked promising when the baby-boomer generation, who grew up more accustomed to non-white faces than their parents, came of age. But then something interesting happened. Communism collapsed and the Lefts struggle shifted, for the sake of its own survival, from the collective to the individual. What has to be done? morphed into Who am I? The result is Manichaean navel-gazing.

One particularly toxic subplot is the medicalisation of victimhood. It was, after all, a professorof counselling psychology at Columbia University, Derald Wing Sue, who invented the term microaggression. That he was partly inspired by RD Laing will surprise few familiar with the baleful maverick who famously asked whether mental illness is a sick response to a healthy situation, or a healthy response to a sick situation.

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It is time to call out the intolerant woke's racist double standards -

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