Jussie Smollett is probably toast now that Google is handing his data to the special prosecutor – Washington Examiner

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 10:42 am

Actor Jussie Smollett, aka "the gay Tupac," almost certainly lied about the assault he claims he experienced last year. A new order from a judge in Chicago will likely prove it once and for all.

Cook County Judge Michael Toomin, who appointed a special prosecutor to look into the case, is requiring Google to turn over a year's worth of Smollett's emails, location data, and messages. He's also ordered the same for Smollett's manager, a witness to the alleged hate crime, wherein Smollett says he was jumped early one morning by two men who confronted him with racist, anti-gay, and pro-Trump comments before beating him.

The Chicago Tribune reported last week that the court orders include that Google hand over "drafted and deleted messages; any files in their Google Drive cloud storage services; any Google Voice texts, calls and contacts; search and web browsing history."

That's a lot of data. A lot.

Chicago police last year already believed that they had nailed down a timeline proving Smollett was lying about the attack and that he had staged it himself in conjunction with two acquaintances. A grand jury agreed with the police, slapping Smollett with a dozen charges.

But if police were so confident by simply using Smollett's highly redacted phone records, surveillance footage, and the confessions of the two brothers, imagine what this new treasure trove of information will offer.

Google location data is alarmingly specific, and it's recorded minute by minute. That is, unless Smollett turned off location services on his mobile devices. And even then, there are times that Google is still monitoring and recording.

Even without that information, though, there's endless information to be learned from Google searches Smollett conducted, websites he visited, and any messages he might have sent around the time of the incident.

Smollett still says he's innocent. We'll see.

The only reason there's a special prosecutor looking into his case is because the Cook County prosecutor abruptly determined that it wasn't pursuing it, despite the overwhelming evidence that Smollett had faked a hate crime.

The special prosecutor appointment was bad news for Smollett. And this new court order is really bad news him. Google it.

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Jussie Smollett is probably toast now that Google is handing his data to the special prosecutor - Washington Examiner

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