Donald Trump Will Stick With Tradition and Attend World Series on Sunday – The Daily Beast

Posted: October 27, 2019 at 3:00 pm

President Donald Trump will stick with presidential tradition and attend the World Series, but he will not throw out the first pitch. He is also afraid he would look too fat with the bullet proof vest. When reporters asked him if he would throw out the pitch, like George W. Bush did in the Yankee Stadium in 2001, he said he wasnt sure. I dont know, he told reporters, according to the Associated Press. Theyre going to have to dress me up in a lot of heavy armor. Ill look too heavy. I dont like that. The Washington Nationals, who will decide the such matters, had already said that the president was never asked to throw out the ceremonial pitch, which will be thrown by Trump critic Jose Andres, a celebrity chef and humanitarian. The Associated Press also reports that the president will arrive after the first inning and leave before the last out in the fifth game to be held on Sunday to avoid disrupting the game for fans.


Donald Trump Will Stick With Tradition and Attend World Series on Sunday - The Daily Beast

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