Anderson Cooper: Donald Trumps Fate May Have Been Sealed On Tuesday – HuffPost

Posted: October 24, 2019 at 10:48 am

The host of CNNs Anderson Cooper 360 on Tuesday said it is entirely possible that this day may turn out to be one of the most consequential days in the impeachment inquiry, as well as possibly this presidency.

Coopers assessment came at the start of a segment centered on acting Ukraine Ambassador Bill Taylors earlier reported private testimony before House lawmakers, which the news anchor said had been described as that significant by someone whod heard it.

Taylor reportedly revealed in great detail and in no uncertain terms that President Trump himself directed his people to push for a quid pro quo with the president of Ukraine, military aid and a White House visit in exchange for investigating the firm tied to (former Vice President) Joe Bidens son, Hunter, and investigating a conspiracy theory about the 2016 election, said Cooper.

In short, Taylors testimony, which just wrapped up, describes the very thing the president and his supporters have been denying for weeks now, he added.

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Anderson Cooper: Donald Trumps Fate May Have Been Sealed On Tuesday - HuffPost

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