Kim on Trump, Trump on Syria-Turkey ceasefire & more: What’s trending today –

Posted: October 24, 2019 at 10:48 am

Associated Press

Today's top trending stories

Read more about what Kim Jong Un had to say about his relationship with Donald Trump, what the president had to say about the ceasefire in Syria, and check out other stories trending online today.

Kim praises 'special' relationship

In what could be a positive sign for future negotiations with the United States, a North Korean recently talked about how the country's leader views President Trump, and the relationship the two share, very positively.

Trump lifting Turkey sanctions

Claiming success in Syria, President Trump announced yesterday that he'd be lifting sanctions against Turkey.

Company owned by Kushner sued

Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has his own legal battle to deal with as the AG of Maryland has brought a lawsuit against an apartment management company owned by Kushner.

Measles concerns at Disneyland

A Los Angeles area resident who has measles reportedly visited Disneyland last week, potentially exposing hundreds to the disease.

Other trending headlines this morning

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Kim on Trump, Trump on Syria-Turkey ceasefire & more: What's trending today -

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