Review: What does it mean to be human? New London exhibit reveals all (Includes first-hand account) – Digital Journal

Posted: October 20, 2019 at 10:19 pm

The aim of the new exhibition is to explore trust, identity and health in a changing world, according to the Turner-winning architectural collective Assemble, who have designed and curated the space.The exhibition, in the building designed to promote the best in medicine and science, presents over fifty artworks and medical related items, divided into four thematic groups; Genetics, Minds and Bodies, Infection and Environmental Breakdown.

Transparent woman, by an unknown artist, at the Wellcome Collection in London - the aim is to present the human body in a different way.

A traveler in an unknown world, the Refugee astronaut seems both under- and over-prepared for his trip.

Jukebox that plays songs about disease at the Wellcome Collection, by Kin Design.

Heather Dewey-Hagborgs three-dimensional printed portrait - Sequencing the DNA from chucked cigarette butts and spat-out lumps of gum that she found on the street, she has picked out the genetic markers that influence physical appearance and created a portrait.

Example of a prosthetic leg, from the Wellcome Collection, London.

The PPE Portrait Project is an art intervention designed to improve Ebola care.

Batoul S'Himi's work takes major global issues and situates them in a global setting.

A CRISPR kit - CRISPR technology is a simple yet powerful tool for editing genomes. It allows researchers to easily alter DNA sequences and modify gene function. Its many potential applications include correcting genetic defects, treating and preventing the spread of diseases and improving crops.

The London Freedom Seed Bank is a network of food growers and gardeners dedicated to saving, storing and distributing open-pollinated seed.

Commissioned for the Wellcome Collections new exhibition, Being Human, 5318008, a sculpture designed to symbolize breast milk.

A transparent orange symbol of a person in a chair to express personhood, leaning forward with a double wheel to suggest movement.

Latai Taumoepeau - Artist portrait / collage.

Review: What does it mean to be human? New London exhibit reveals all (Includes first-hand account) - Digital Journal

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