Parenting guru ice bound

Posted: January 11, 2014 at 1:42 pm

Television personality Nigel Latta is renowned for his politically incorrect TV series and criminal psychology but Antarctica is his first love.

The 46-year-old Aucklander is due to fly to the icy continent on Tuesday on Antarctica New Zealand's media programme to film science documentaries.

"It's one of those places I've always thought I'm going to get to before I die. If I had to pick one place in the world to go to and I could go nowhere else, I would pick Antarctica, hands down."

While Latta's dreams of visiting Antarctica began as a child, a lecture about penguins during his zoology studies at Otago University in the late 1980s sealed it.

"I thought it sounded the most amazing thing."

He enrolled in a Masters in marine science because it included a field trip to Antarctica but was unaware he had to sign up for the trip when the two-year course began.

When he discovered his mistake a year later, it was too late and he missed out. "Yeah, typical me, I had an idea and didn't plan it out well," he says.

Afterwards, he turned to study psychology.

"First I was a crime guy and then I was a parenting guy."

But actually, he says, "I'm a science geek".

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Parenting guru ice bound

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