Letters: War on drugs; Lowering the bar – CapitalGazette.com

Posted: August 6, 2017 at 5:39 pm

War on drugs

I have been around for 89 years and after all this time have some questions about our country's dealings with foreign nations and organizations.

After Pearl Harbor we were involved in Europe and Asia. We won the war, which ended in the mid-1940s. However, since the end of World War II, we have never left Europe or Asia. Why?

In 1950 we entered the Korean conflict, which was fought against communism, i.e. North Korea. This conflict ended with no win. Yet since the peace, we have kept troops in South Korea for over 60 years.

Why? South Korea an economically viable nation and should be able to defend itself. Now, because of our presence, we may get involved in another conflict with North Korea. What is the strategic value of our presence in Korea and its costs?

We have had troops in Germany since 1945. We were there after World War II because of communism. But that is over and Germany and other European nations are stable and financially sound enough to defend themselves. So why are we there and what is the cost to our country of our presence?

We got involved in Vietnam, again because of communism. However, what is the importance to our country of Vietnam? We lost over 58,000 troops and lost the conflict. And the economic cost was terrific.

We defeated Japan. It became an economically strong country. Yet, we still have had troops in Okinawa since 1945. Why? The cost is huge.

We are losing the war on drugs. So why not take all these resources and money and do what is needed in South America and Asia to destroy the drug empire forever? We should win this war!



Lowering the bar

I would like to remind the reader who shared her opinion in the letter headlined "Intelligent discourse" (The Capital, July 15) that the example should start at the top with the president of the United States.

President Donald Trump is constantly tweeting disparaging remarks such as "the opinion of this so-called judge" and "any negative polls are fake news." Additionally, he tweeted a video showing himself running toward a wrestling ring to tackle another person with the CNN logo superimposed over his face.

This lowers the bar and encourages people to state their opinions in a less dignified and respectful way.

Enough is enough!



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Letters: War on drugs; Lowering the bar - CapitalGazette.com

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