Opinion/Letter: That’s not progress that’s being blocked – The Daily Progress

Posted: July 13, 2017 at 7:03 am

In response to the June 28 letter headlined Moderates block progress (The Daily Progress):

"Progress" is not trying to ram through questionable legislation that has been written in secret surely in cahoots with the insurance industry and Big Pharma that will affect millions of lives.

"Progress" is not chipping away again and again at the financial security of average Americans until all but the wealthy 1 percent are working two or more menial jobs just to pay for food, shelter and high insurance premiums to stay alive.

"Progress" is not treating fellow citizens like they're inferior, a nuisance or a danger simply because they're not clones of you.

"Progress" will be achievedonlywhenmore, not fewer, moderate and measured voices discuss meaningful options that don't hurt, demean or dismiss millions of fellow citizens.

The my way or the highway attitude that has drowned out civil civic discussion in recent years is toxic, self-serving, sophomoric, and disgraceful.

It's time to reclaim and revere what Abraham Lincoln so eloquently called our better angels ... before it's too late.

Kathi Ann Brown, Charlottesville

Read the original:

Opinion/Letter: That's not progress that's being blocked - The Daily Progress

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