LETTER: 3 strikes against the liberal agenda – Jacksonville Daily News

Posted: July 5, 2017 at 9:40 am

To the editor:

Three simple thoughts shed light on the liberal, progressive, Democratic movement and the very biased, overly rich, celebrity elite and lemming so-called journalists and comedians who back and cover for Dems at every turn by bashing Republicans.

1: When gas was close to $4/gallon, the Dems and biased liberal lemming media blamed President Bush and the oil companies for gouging and making too much money. When prices came down the media applauded Obama. Now that gas prices are at or below $2 will they give President Trump and the evil rich oil companies applause and positive press? Not in my lifetime. By the way, the majority of people who own a retirement account with a mutual fund invests in oil companies. When they lose, you lose a bit also.

2: If the Deems and biased lapdog media are so worried about the Russian meddling matter related to the 2016 election and how it was threatening our democracy, why didnt they ask for an FBI investigation into what Obama, Kerry, Hillary, Podesta, and other Dem leaders knew and what actions the Dems took in the year they had knowledge about it, before the Nov 2016 election?

3: With climate change and the Paris Dis-cord, why are so many liberal officials suddenly for state rights and why are so many liberal mayors making up city rights"? If so many mayors are already undertaking actions similar to the Paris Dis-cord, it only proves President Trump is right, again. The federal government has no reason to give away billions to be wasted in other polluting countries.

Liberal hypocrites always parade as tolerant politicians who care about middle-class Americans.

James Dargan, Jacksonville


LETTER: 3 strikes against the liberal agenda - Jacksonville Daily News

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