Home | Childfree Women UK & Ireland

Posted: July 5, 2017 at 9:19 am

We're a private website, meaning that your content here is only visible to other approved, logged-in members of our network. 'Content' encompasses anything you publishon our pages- for example, profileicon, profileanswers, forumposts, groupsyou create, eventsyou attend, etc.

Each of our profile questions requires an answer as part of the registration process in order for your membership to be approved. This is for the safety of all members.We can't force ID checks on everyone as that would exclude anyone who can't pay the fee, so making it mandatory for you to tell us a bit about yourself upon signupis our way of vetting applicants and deterring trolls. We need everyone to play ball for it to work, but we're not asking you to bare all - we just want to get a sense of who you are, and see genuine indicators that you identify as a happilychildfree womanand that this topic means something to you. You can amend and/or make any of your answers invisible at any time after your membership hasbeen approved.

We also require that you upload a profile iconsooner or later. This is again for the safety of all members as part of our 'human check' to deter spammers and imposters. Youriconcan either be a photo of you, or an image ofsomething meaningful to or representative of you -for example, your pets, your favourite flower, a holiday landscape, a piece of art you've made, etc. Profiles without an icon will not show up in Member Search results, so it's worth having one in order to get the most out of our service. A uniqueprofile iconalso has generaladvantages socially by making your profile appear more approachable and trustworthy to potential new friends, and aneye-catching image can serveas a conversationstarter when other members are reading your profile.

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