Layers of Fear devs on psychological rape in their cyberpunk … – PCGamesN

Posted: June 27, 2017 at 7:22 am

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Observer is a new non-combat horror game from the developers of Layers of Fear, set in a cyberpunk future in Krakow, 2084. To explain the concept, the team's just released a developer diary to talk potential players through what they can expect.

Related: here are the upcoming PC games.

As developer diaries go its got a very strange tone. You can tell the developer narrating is enthusiastic about their game, but it sits strangely alongside some of the topics discussed.

At one point, he enthusiastically talks about the specific style of horror they create, saying one player described it best: So thats what it feels like to be insane! Obviously that comment refers to Layers of Fear, but apparently Observer will show you what it feels like to be an Observer.

What is an Observer? Well, theyre future detectives who hack cybernetically-enhanced humans to see their memories, thus helping them piece together crimes. One could argue its a new form of psychological rape, and thats certainly how the Class-C citizens of Krakow feel, here in the year 2084, he explains.

The metaphor seems to continue after that, too, the tone jumping all over the place. Hopefully the finished game is a bit more self-aware.

Have a watch above. Observer is due out this summer.

Read more from the original source:

Layers of Fear devs on psychological rape in their cyberpunk ... - PCGamesN

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