Mandela Foundation remembers Namibian freedom fighter Toivo – Eyewitness News

Posted: June 10, 2017 at 7:02 pm

Mandela Foundation remembers Namibian freedom fighter Toivo

Namibian freedom fighter Andimba Toivo ya Toivo died on Friday at the age of 92 in Windhoek.

A screengrab of Namibian freedom fighter Andimba Toivo ya Toivo during an interview with Namibia Media Initiative in 2014. Picture: YouTube.

JOHANNESBURG - The Nelson Mandela Foundation has sent its condolences on the passing of Namibian freedom fighter Andimba Toivo ya Toivo, who died on Friday at the age of 92 in Windhoek.

The foundation notes the friendship Toivo shared with the late former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela while imprisoned during the apartheid years on Robben Island.

The foundations CEO Sello Hatang says Madiba often described him as a stubborn freedom fighter, who was determined to win independence for his people in Namibia.

Hatang says its important to note that their friendship was warm and heartfelt.

I remember seeing the two of them in 2010 Toivo was in town and he popped in to see Madiba. At the time, the two of them exchanged some really beautiful stories of Robben Island but also to check on each others health.

(Edited by Zamangwane Shange)

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Mandela Foundation remembers Namibian freedom fighter Toivo - Eyewitness News

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