Donald Trump’s Latest Approval Ratings in Election Swing States Reveal How Unpopular He Has Become – Newsweek

Posted: June 3, 2017 at 1:02 pm

The country as a whole isn't thrilled with President Donald Trump's job performance. Andin general,the same goes for the swing states that helped him win the presidency lastNovember, according to the latest polls.

A handful of key states where both candidates seemingly had a shot at winning allowedTrump to shock the country and win over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Michigan was one such state. Trump narrowly edged outClinton, earning 47.6 percent of the vote to her 47.3 percent. A paltry 11,612 votes gave the former reality star Michigan's 16 electoral votes.

A littlemore than four months into his presidency, Trump isn't exactly beloved in Michigan. Only 37 percent of likely voters in the state view him favorably, according to a new poll released byEPIC-MRA this week. Fifty-three percent viewed Trump unfavorably to some degree, while 44 percent of voters viewed the president very unfavorably. And that's not the worst of it.

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Just 35 percent of likely voters gave Trump a positive job performance rating, while 61 percent gave him a negative rating, according to theEPIC-MRA survey. The poll interviewed 600 likely voters in Michigan from May 20 through May 24. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

U.S. President Donald Trump refers to amounts of temperature change as he announces his decision that the United States will withdraw from the landmark Paris Climate Agreement, in Washington, U.S., June 1. Kevin Lamarque/File Photo/Reuters

Things weren't much better for Trump in Pennsylvania, another swing state he won by a small margin (a bit more than 1 percentage point). Just 37 percent of Pennsylvania voters approved of Trump's job performance, according to a May survey from Franklin & Marshall College.

While Michigan and Pennsylvania proved to be close races in November'selection, Trumpwon North Carolina over Clinton by nearly 4 percentage points. Butthe southern swing state's approvalwasn't great inApril,the last time it was measuredby a survey. Only41.6 percent of voters approved of the job Trump has done after 100 days in office, according to the poll from Elon University. Nearly 51 percent disapproved of his job performance.

"Though President Trump enjoyed considerable support among North Carolinians on Election Day, he has lost ground among the crucial independent voters responsible for his success over Hillary Clinton,"Jason Husser, director of the Elon University poll, said in a statement at the time.

The survey, which had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.36 percentage points, interviewed 506 likely votersfrom April 18 through April 21.

It's unlikely that Trump's standing has improved in the month or so since the North Carolina poll was released. A flood of controversiesmost notably the avalanche of bombshell reports relatedto the firing of former FBI Director James Comey and the Trumpadministration'spotential ties to Russiahave not been kind to the president's national approval rating. In late April, the FiveThirtyEight weighted average pegged Trump's national approval rating at about 42 percent. It has since fallen to 39.1 percent.

State polls are taken far less frequently than national surveys, but the local resultsin generalhaven't been good for the White House. A March Marquette University poll ofregistered voters in Wisconsina swing state Trump won by just 1 percentage pointfound Trump's approval rating stood at just 41 percent, while 47 percent of the state disapproved of the job he was doing. A Florida poll from the same monthpegged Trump's approval at 44 percent in the state, with disapproval at 51 percent.

Even in Texas, a state Trump won with ease, the president's approval rating appears to be deeply underwater. Only 42 percent of Texans approved of the job he was doing, compared with 54 percent who disapproved, aTexas Lyceum survey found in April.

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Donald Trump's Latest Approval Ratings in Election Swing States Reveal How Unpopular He Has Become - Newsweek

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