Meet Trudeau’s new language commissioner A Liberal insider who barely speaks English – The Rebel

Posted: June 3, 2017 at 12:46 pm

The official languages act is obsolete. Canadians learn French if they have to, and Quebeckers learn English if they have to. The mania over this issue from a generation ago is spent as numbers from Statistics Canada over the past decade confirm.

But the Liberals recently hired a new commissioner of official languages, who gets a massive budget and bureaucracy, and who, if past conduct is any guide, will harass people who dont speak French in places like Vancouver, Calgary and Barrie.

The only purpose for French-English bilingualism in many of these cities is so Liberals can get preferential hiring for government jobs. French-English bilingualism across Canada is a solution without a problem, so naturally, the Liberals love it.

The new Liberal Party bilingualism commissioner has trouble with English. How did that happen?

Well, shes a Liberal.

By her own admission, she met with Trudeaus partisan boss, Gerald Butts about the gig, yet Trudeaus cabinet minister Joly lied about that in Parliament.

Its a government job, not a Liberal Party job but Liberals think they own the government so see the job as a gift to give away to their friends.

Corruption in public office has been around for millennia, which is why we have checks and balances in place so you cant just hire friends or family.

An independent head-hunting firm was tasked with finding the best candidate for this job, and were working on it when they found out from the media that the job had already been filled by Gerald Butts and Trudeaus friend.

We know Justin Trudeaus policies including Official bilingualism, are wrong, but its the law for now and should at least be implemented ethically until its repealed. But, theyre hiring their friends instead of the best people.

Theyre vacationing with billionaires on private islands, and keeping it secret from the ethics commissioner and theyre putting their friends in high office, against the rules.

The Libranos are back!

Next, Howard Levitt, Senior Partner, Levitt, LLP, joins me to explain why he thinks former managing editor of CBCs, The National, should sue the CBC after he was dismissed from his job for being politically incorrect.

Then I speak with John Carpay of Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom about their legal action against Manitoba Public Insurance over a rejected vanity plate with a Star Trek theme deemed offensive.

Original post:

Meet Trudeau's new language commissioner A Liberal insider who barely speaks English - The Rebel

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