Registered sex offender from Sealand jailed over downloading indecent images – LeaderLive

Posted: May 30, 2017 at 2:53 pm

POLICE received intelligence that a particular computer address was being used to download indecent images of children.

It turned out it was being done by a man who was a registered sex offender because he had done the same thing previously, Mold Crown Court was told.

Adam Culshaw, 27, had been given a suspended prison sentence back in 2012 at Liverpool Crown Court for making indecent images by downloading them from the internet, and possessing extreme images.

Culshaw, of Villa Road in Sealand, was jailed for eight months yesterday after he admitted making 11 indecent images by downloading two of them at the worst category A.

He was placed on the sex offender register for 10 years and a 10 year sexual harm prevention order was made.

Judge Rhys Rowlands said sadly it was not the first time that Culshaw had been in court for such offences.

He had received a suspended sentence in 2012, but in March of this year police executed a search warrant at his Deeside home and further images were found on his computer tablet.

In interview with the police he had been candid and admitted using peer to peer software.

It turned out that he had also engaged in conversations of a sexual nature in chat rooms with other adults about children.

Judge Rowlands said the number of images was modest, but they were disturbing offences, more so because he had previously been given an opportunity to address his totally depraved behaviour.

But the sad fact was that he had relapsed, but the judge said he could see no reason for giving him a chance again.

Barrister Karl Sholz, prosecuting, said acting on intelligence police executed a search warrant at 8am on March 1 at Culshaws home address.

He was in work but the images were found on his tablet.

While peer-to-peer software had been installed there was no evidence that he had distributed any images.

He admitted using chat rooms where he engaged in conversations with other adults about sexually abusing children.

The 11 images were live which meant they were accessible. File names in the web history suggested that previous images had been downloaded.

Simon Killen, defending, said his client was assessed as a medium risk of harm to children, through viewing images only.

While the risk of actual abuse could not be fully dismissed, a report on him said that any risk he posed was not imminent.

Mr Killeen said there had been a breakdown in a relationship, a loss of self-esteem, loneliness and isolation which led him down the wrong path for a short period of time.

But he was motivated to refrain from future offending and would welcome the assistance that could be given to him under a three-year community order.

Mr Killeen said his client was clearly motivated to regain control of his distorted sexual fantasies and if he felt the temptation to lapse, a community order would mean he would have somewhere to go for help.

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Registered sex offender from Sealand jailed over downloading indecent images - LeaderLive

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