Donald Trump calls Manchester bomber (and many, many other people) ‘losers’ – USA TODAY

Posted: May 23, 2017 at 11:26 pm

Speaking in Bethlehem after a deadly bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, President Trump called the terror attack the work of "evil losers." USA TODAY

President Trump on Tuesday insisted that "evil losers" was the best way to describe those responsible for the bombing that killed some 22 people at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.

"Iwont call them monsters because they would like that term," Trump said in Jerusalem on Tuesday. "They would think thats a great name. I will call them from now on losers, because thats what they are. Theyre losers. And well have more of them. But theyre losers. Just remember that."The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack on the21,000-seat Manchester Arenaon Monday night.

Calling terrorists "losers" is an idea Trump has had before. Back in November 2015, the president tweeted, "The media must immediately stop calling ISIS leaders "MASTERMINDS." Call them instead thugs and losers. Young people must not go into ISIS!"

But calling people "losers" is a termTrump throws around rather liberally, and not just for terrorists.Here's a comprehensive list of other people and groupsthe president has considered a loser on Twitter (all before he took office):

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Donald Trump calls Manchester bomber (and many, many other people) 'losers' - USA TODAY

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