Family spokesman: Injured WPD officer ‘making incredible progress’ – KWCH

Posted: May 22, 2017 at 3:31 am

Injured Wichita Police Department Officer Brian Arterburn is continuing progress on his road to recovery, a little more than three months since he was run over by a stolen vehicle.

Saturday night, a family spokesman provided an update on Arterburn's recovery at a Colorado rehabilitation hospital.

"Brian has been making incredible progress," the spokesman says. "Brian began talking again after going to Craig Hospital (in the Denver area), and is talking quite well now."

A week after a second surgery in April, the spokesman says Arterburn was able to stand up and, using parallel bars and help from a therapist, was able to walk about 45 feet in one session. Arterburn has also worked to build strength in a weakened left side and is working on getting back to a solid-food diet.

In the past few weeks, he has progressed from needing a walker to walking mostly on his own with assistance from a therapist there if he needs it.

"Although this is remarkable progress in only 3 1/2 months, there is still a very long journey ahead," the family spokesman says. "Recovery from a severe (traumatic brain injury) is measured in years, not months, and he still utilizes a wheelchair for mobility."

The spokesman says Arterburn has memory issues still, but his awareness has increased and he is asking more questions about what happened the day he was injured. Arterburn is also becoming more aware of the severity of his injuries and talks about family, friend and co-workers a lot, motivated to return to Wichita.

Arterburn has received cards from all over the world and is said to be overwhelmed by all of the support.

The family spokesman points out that two years ago, Arterburn had a liver transplant and was back to full duty within four months of that. He says Arterburn's liver was not damaged when he was injured in February, but his current liver enzyme levels are not where doctors would like them to be. The spokesman says doctors are doing more testing to determine the cause for the fluctuation.

"They hope to get it figured out, and leveled off with adjustments in medication, so the family would appreciate additional prayers for the situation with Brian's liver to resolve itself," the spokesman says.

He says Brian, his wife, Claudale and their family appreciate the thoughts, concerns and prayers from everyone, "but especially the strong support from the local (Wichita) community."

Read more:

Family spokesman: Injured WPD officer 'making incredible progress' - KWCH

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