Ramping up your brain power – Marianas Variety

Posted: April 30, 2017 at 10:35 pm

01 May 2017

IN the course of my medical research I came upon a whole new class of brain-boosting compounds, called Nootropics. Some of them are only available by prescription (such as Provigil / Modafinil and Ritalin).

However, there is a broad spectrum of brain-boosters which, because they are classified as dietary supplements, need no prescription. These include Alpha Brain (highly touted), Brain Force, and Focus Factor. Each of these supplements was created by scientists who were also physicians.

I gave Brain Force to my friend (who has mild dementia) along with a fairly unknown nutrient, Vinpocetine (similar to Ginkgo Biloba, but more powerful). I also gave her GABA, which increases the efficiency of neurotransmitters in the brain hence better cognitive function. They all helped her to focus in her daily activities; they also improved her memory.

There is another dietary supplement which is worthy of note. It is called Phenibut. It is available either as a powder (you put a little scoop of this stuff under your tongue) or in capsule form. The standard dose is approximately 500mg, and is widely available on the internet again, without a prescription.

It was developed in the 1960s by Russian scientists to give a boost to Russian cosmonauts so that they would have less anxiety, be more social, and then sleep beautifully at the end of the day.

I also became intrigued with Provigil / Modafinil and watched many YouTube videos made by people who were taking it. Although originally developed as a treatment for narcolepsy (suddenly falling asleep), it has a hyper-alert effect on the user.

Many users of Modafinil claimed that they were much more productive, and that this drug made them feel more like themselves. It is especially useful for people who have to work long hours and stay focused.

For example, I know a person who uses Modafinil to help him work the overnight shift. As a result, this person is wide awake and highly functional. And, when he goes home at 8 a.m., he is able to go to sleep because the drug wears off after 8 hours.

Your doctor can prescribe Provigil / Modafinil if you have trouble staying awake, or merely want to sharpen your brain function. I spoke with a local pharmacist, and the cost for the prescription is around $80 for a 30-day supply. It is cheaper on the internet, since some prescription drugs can be extremely costly in the commonwealth.

This reminds me. Although the U.S. Congress has passed legislation to prevent U.S. citizens from ordering pharmaceuticals from Canada, the law has not gone into effect, so you can still do this legally.

Buying pharmaceuticals from Canada is a life-saver and extremely cost effective. You know about Viagra it was developed to help improve blood flow; but its other benefits took the spotlight. I found 50mg to be very helpful to me, because I had a heart attack a couple of years ago and Viagra helps to keep my blood pressure within the normal range.

However, one 50mg tablet on Saipan costs $48. In Canada, the Pfizer-made drug costs about $8, or even less on some web sites. The Canadian pharmacies require a prescription and most doctors in the commonwealth will send one for you.

This is especially appealing to those of us who do not have insurance to cover the costs of prescription drugs.

In the meantime, consult your physician and do some research, especially on some of the nootropics I mentioned. If you need a mental boost, there are many great products available.

RUSS MASON, MS As Teo, Saipan

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Ramping up your brain power - Marianas Variety

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