How Neurotechnology Is Helping The San Francisco Giants Train Better – PSFK (subscription)

Posted: April 3, 2017 at 8:28 pm

Halo Neuroscience's headset ensures practice has a bigger impact on the brain and the body

San Francisco-based neurotechnology company Halo Neuroscience has partnered with the San Francisco Giants. After reviewing research and testing the Halo Sport headset, they have now officially incorporated it into every players core training.

During testing, athletes were split into two groups to complete 20-minute warm-ups followed by 60 minutes of focused training to improve skill, speed, and power. Those in one group wore Halo Sport headsets during the 20-minute warm-up. This group saw the greatest improvements in speed work. In a 20-yard dash, almost all the athletes tested demonstrated significant improvement after two weeks, versus athletes in the control group who only demonstrated modest improvement.

Using Halo Sport means that every rep a baseball player puts in during practice has a bigger impact on their brain and body. When a player is at bat, his muscle memory has better recall of all past swings in the batting cage. For a pitcher, the form theyve perfected in training is replicated more precisely on the mound. When a player who has been training for explosivity is on base, they can launch more efficiently because their muscles know how to respond. Training with Halo Sport has been shown to accelerate improvement in bat velocity, grip strength, and speed.

As a result of these findings, the Giants will continue to implement Halo Sport to improve movement-based training for its athletes.

Dave Groeschner, Head Athletic Trainer for the San Francisco Giants, said in a press release:

We are extremely excited to integrate Halos neurostimulation technology into our core training regimen to improve and refine on-field player performance and athleticism. After testing the product internally, weve determined that incorporating Halo Sport Neuropriming into our training programs produces measurable and significant results.

You can learn more about Halo Sport in the video below:

Halo Neuroscience

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How Neurotechnology Is Helping The San Francisco Giants Train Better - PSFK (subscription)

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