Reckless endangerment of life on Earth – RI Future

Posted: March 29, 2017 at 11:14 am

By Peter Nightingale on March 28, 2017

A recent press release from the World Meteorological Organization, Climate breaks multiple records in 2016, with global impacts included some very bad news for planet Earth.

At least three times so far this winter, the Arctic has witnessed the Polar equivalent of a heatwave, with powerful Atlantic storms driving an influx of warm, moist air. This meant that at the height of the Arctic winter and the sea ice refreezing period, there were days which were actually close to melting point. Antarctic sea ice has also been at a record low, in contrast to the trend in recent years.

Those who destroy the cryosphere risk thrusting the global climate into the abyss.

The ruling elites and their enablers of the political class, past and present, are guilty of crimes for which legal scholars are only now beginning to create the legal framework. I suggest reckless endangerment of life on Earth.

I accuse those who engage in the continued expansion of the fossil fuel infrastructure of reckless endangerment of life on Earth.

I accuse those who perpetuate our system of wage slavery, environmental racism, exploitation, and inequality of reckless endangerment of life on Earth. They make a just transition impossible.

We need name no names; we know who you are and so do you.

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Reckless endangerment of life on Earth - RI Future

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