Rowan: Go with your gut understanding probiotics –

Posted: March 27, 2017 at 4:50 am

By Jane Rowan, Special to the Reporter-News 6:05 p.m. CT March 26, 2017

Jane Rowan(Photo: Contributed photo)

As we close out National Nutrition Month, we are going to address a topic that I have heard many people express confusion over: probiotics.

Nutrition research has pinpointed specific functional components of foods that may improve health, and prebiotics and probiotics are two such substances.

Although they are available as dietary supplements, it is not necessary to use special pills, potions, cleanses or other concoctions to incorporate prebiotics and probiotics into your diet. These "nutrition boosters" are natural ingredients in everyday food. In fact, Kristi King, spokeswomanfor the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, suggests focusing on food sources first as they are more readily available for absorption and digestion.

Prebiotics are natural, nondigestible food components that are linked to promoting the growth of helpful bacteria in your gut. Simply said, they are promoters of "good" bacteria. That's right, not all bacteria are bad. Prebiotics may improve gastrointestinal health as well as potentially enhance calcium absorption.

Prebiotics are in foods including bananas, onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, artichokes, soybeans and whole-wheat foods.

Probiotics are the "good" bacteria or live cultures just like those naturally found in your gut. These active cultures help change or repopulate intestinal bacteria to balance gut flora. This functional component may boost immunity and overall health, especially GI health. Some strains of these live cultures may help prevent specific allergy symptoms, reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance and more. However, effects can vary from person to person.

To obtain more probiotics, King recommends enjoying fermented dairy foods including yogurt, kefir products and aged cheeses, which contain live cultures. Plus, she suggests some nondairy foods that also have beneficial cultures, including kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh and cultured nondairy yogurts.

Check the label to make sure the food contains live active culture, especially on dairy products. There should be a list of the strains present as well. Remember, if the food has been heated (for pasteurization or canning purposes) it will likely not contain any probiotics (such as canned sauerkraut).

Prebiotics and probiotics make a great "dynamic duo" when it comes to healthy eating.Ultimately, prebiotics and probiotics work together synergistically. In other words, prebiotics are breakfast, lunch and dinner for probiotics, which restore and can improve GI health. Products that combine these are called synbiotics. On the menu, that means enjoying bananas with yogurt or stir-frying asparagus with tempeh for a win-win.

The bottom line: At a minimum, prebiotics and probiotics are keys for good gut health.Incorporating health-promoting functional foods, such as foods containing prebiotics and probiotics, into the diet aids in creating a healthier you. As stated earlier, consuming prebiotics and probiotics from food sources is generally best as they are more readily available for absorption and digestion.

In reality though, that is not always easy to do. If that is the case, there are many probiotic supplements now available on the market. Because probiotics are considered dietary supplements, they are not regulated as drugs by the FDA. Unlike drugs, their safety and efficacy does not have to be provedthrough numerous clinical trials and laboratory testingfor them to be sold. Talk with your health care provider before starting any supplement.

For specific advice on obtaining prebiotics and probiotics for your own specific health needs, especially if you have GI issues or a weakened immune system, contact your health care provider of a registered dietitian nutritionist.

Jane Rowan is the extension agent for family and consumer sciences at the Taylor County Extension Office. Contact her at 325-672-6048 or

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