Liberals are caring, respect freedom – Bloomington Pantagraph

Posted: March 21, 2017 at 11:43 am

In his letter on March 15, Bret Reinthaler makes many false assumptions. When he concludes that liberals are uncaring, he couldn't be further from the truth. When he assumes all we care about is what Trump puts on his steak or what Ivanka is doing, he is demeaning the intelligence of all proud Democrats. The word liberal to me means being respectful of individual rights and freedoms.

As for his assertions that Hillary Clinton should be held accountable for Benghazi and her use of a private email server, I say, hasn't this dedicated and caring public servant been dragged through the mud enough? The Republican party held hearing after hearing and never found her personally culpable of any wrongdoing. Also, the FBI looked into the email situation and concluded there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute. Still, the phrase "Lock her up" continues! So much for being innocent until proven guilty. If she has broken the law, the Republicans would have locked her up by now.

Most Democrats are very concerned that our country's electoral process was compromised by Russian hacking and many think this tainted our election to the point of influencing the outcome. I, for one, may never again have confidence in our voting system.

We need to have a complete and impartial investigation into the numerous allegations of contact and possible collusion between Russian operatives and members of the Trump administration. We need to know the truth. The Republican party may be the Russians next target. Where is your outrage conservatives?

William Owen, Bloomington

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Liberals are caring, respect freedom - Bloomington Pantagraph

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