Watch: After beating Clinton in 2016, Trump reveals which liberal he wants to beat ‘so badly’ in 2020 –

Posted: March 19, 2017 at 4:52 pm

When President Donald Trump entered the 2016 race for the White House in June 2015 having never ran for political office never before, no one believed he was a serious candidate or had a serious chance at winning the Republican nomination.

And once he won the Republican nomination last summer, no one believed he would be able to defeat Hillary Clinton. After all, she had all the credentials: former first lady, former U.S. senator and former secretary of state.

But Trump won and Clinton lost.

Despite being just two months into his first term, Trump already has his sights set on running for re-election in 2020 and he knows who he wants to beat so badly.

After their defining loss last year, the Democratic Party was left scrambling to find their identity for the next four years as they mount challenges in 2018 and 2020 to push back against Trumps agenda.

One of the potential candidates the DNC may push to challenge Trump in 2020 is Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), one of the extreme liberal and progressive members of the DNC. Given how well Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) did in the Democratic primaries, running Warren would be a no-brainer for Democrats and Trump agrees.

He told Fox News host Jesse Watters in a recent interview aired Saturday that he wants Warren to challenge him in 2020 because he believes he would be able to beat her so badly.

When Watters noted the possibility of Warren running in 2020, Trump replied, I hope so.

That would be a dream come true, the president explained.

Trump went on to slam Warren for the craziness and anger she used in her political rhetoric on the campaign trail last year when campaigning for Clinton.

I think she hurt Hillary Clinton very badly, Trump said. I watched those speeches the anger, the hatred, in her heart and I said, Ya know, shes really bad for Hillary.'

Pocahontas would not be proud of her as her representative, believe me, Trump said, mocking Warren for her claim that shes of Native American heritage.

Watch Trumps comments below. The relevant portion begins around 2:25:

See the original post:

Watch: After beating Clinton in 2016, Trump reveals which liberal he wants to beat 'so badly' in 2020 -

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