Stephen Hawking calls for creation of world government to meet AI challenges – ExtremeTech

Posted: March 19, 2017 at 4:28 pm

In a book thats become the darling of many a Silicon Valley billionaire Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind the historian Yuval Harari paints a picture of humanitys inexorable march towards ever greater forms of collectivization. From the tribal clans of pre-history, people gathered to create city-states, then nations, and finally empires. While certain recent political trends, namely Brexit and the nativism of Donald Trump would seem to belie this trend, now another luminary of academia has added his voice to the chorus calling for stronger forms of world government. Far from citing some ancient historical trends though, Stephen Hawking points to artificial intelligence as a defining reason for needing stronger forms of globally enforced cooperation.

Its facile to dismiss Stephen Hawking as another scientist poking his nose into problems more germane to politics than physics. Or even to suggest he is being alarmist, as many AI experts have already done. Its worth taking his point seriously, though, and weighing the evidence to see if theres any merit to the cautionary note he rings.

Lets first take the case made by the naysayers who claim we are a long time away from AI posing any real threat to humanity. These are often the same people who suggest Isaac Asimovs three laws of robotics are sufficient to ensure ethical behavior from machines never mind that the whole thrust of Asimovs stories is to demonstrate how things can go terribly wrong despite of the three laws of robots. Leaving that aside, itsexceedingly difficult to keep pace with the breakneck pace of research in AI and robotics. One may be an expert in a small domain of AI or robotics, say pneumatic actuators, and have no clue what is going on in reinforcement learning. This tends to be the rule rather than the exception among experts, since their very expertise tends to confine them to a narrow field of endeavor.

As a tech journalist covering AI and robotics on a more or less full-time basis, I can cite many recent developments that justify Mr. Hawkings concern namely the advent of autonomous weapons, DARPA sponsored hacking algorithms, and a poker playing AI that resembles a strategic superpower, to highlight just a few. Adding to this, its increasingly clear theres already something of an AI arms race underway, with China and the United States pouring increasingly large sums into supercomputers that can support the ever-hungry algorithms underpinningtodays cutting-edge AI.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, thanks to the larger and more nebulous threat poised by superintelligence that is an algorithm or collection of them that achieved a singleton, in any of the three domains of intelligence outlined by Nick Bostrom in Superintelligence: paths, dangers and strategies those being Speed, Quality/Strategic planning, and Collective intelligence.

The dangers poised to humanity by AI, being somewhat more difficult to conceptualize than atomic weapons since they dont involve dramatic mushroom clouds or panicked basement drills, are all the more pernicious. Even the so called Utopian scenario, in which AI merely replaces large segments of the workforce, would bring with it a concomitant set of challenges that could best be met by stronger and more global government entities. In this light, it seems if anything, Dr. Hawking has understated the case for taking action at a global level, to ensure the transition into an AI-first world is a smooth rather than apocalyptic one.

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Stephen Hawking calls for creation of world government to meet AI challenges - ExtremeTech

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