Essay collection Nietzsche and Transhumanism: Precursor or Enemy? To be Released – Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies

Posted: March 17, 2017 at 7:06 am

n the 1st of May, the essay collection Nietzsche and Transhumanism: Precursor or Enemy?, edited by Yunus Tuncel, will be published. It deals with the question of whether Nietzsche can be seen as a precursor of transhumanism or not. Debates on the topic have existed for some years, particularly in the Journal of Evolution and Technology and The Agonist.

This book combines existing papers, from these journals, with new material, to highlight some of the important issues surrounding this argument. The collection addresses a variety of issues to show whether or not there is a close connection between transhumanist concerns for progress and technology and Nietzsches ideas. The debate circles around reflections of IEET Fellow Prof. Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, who has written four articles for this collection which also contain a basic outline of his Nietzschean transhumanism. IEET Fellow Russell Blackford has also contributed his specific take on this topic. Here is a complete list of the contributors to this collection. All of them are world-leading transhumanists, Nietzsche scholars, philosophers or ethicists.

Keith Ansell-Pearson, University of Warwick Babette Babich, Fordham University Rebecca Bamford, Quinnipiac University Russell Blackford, University of Newcastle, NSW Michael Hauskeller, University of Exeter Bill Hibbard, University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center Paul S. Loeb, University of Puget Sound. Max More, Alcor Foundation Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, John Cabot University, Rome Michael Steinmann, Stevens Institute of Technology Yunus Tuncel, New School for Social Research Ashley Woodward, University of Dundee

Here is the link to the announcement of this collection by the publishing house:

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Essay collection Nietzsche and Transhumanism: Precursor or Enemy? To be Released - Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies

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