Word of the Day: Cory Booker explains ‘freedom’ to Bert – Mashable

Posted: March 12, 2017 at 8:04 pm

Word of the Day: Cory Booker explains 'freedom' to Bert
Two of your favorite SXSW attendees, Senator Cory Booker and Sesame Street's Bert, just shared a touching moment live on Twitter. After his eventful panel, Booker stopped by Day Two of "The Mashable Show" an exclusive 90-minute Twitter live stream of ...
Newly woke Muppet blown away by Sen. Cory Booker's linkage of freedom and health care coverageTwitchy

all 45 news articles »

See the article here:

Word of the Day: Cory Booker explains 'freedom' to Bert - Mashable

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