Fictional TV Satirist Jonathan Pie Goes Viral Attacking Liberal Students’ ‘Orwellian’ Tactics – Heat Street

Posted: March 11, 2017 at 8:39 am

Spoof British political pundit Jonathan Pie, whose rant against Hillary Clintonwent viral just after the election, has done it again.

Pie, a fictional political TV reporter who is the creation of English comedian Tom Walker, is left-wing but he isnt exactly afraid to call out liberals when he thinks they deserve it.

His latest dispatch is one such occasion. Entitled The Fear of Language, Pies video takes students to task for being afraid of debate, wanting to take down statues of colonialists and putting trigger warnings on novels they dont like.

The video has been watched over 100,000 times on YouTube and got 1.9 million views on Facebook.

Pie begins his video polemic mocking the bizarre attempts made by regional authorities in Salford, the northern city where he is filming his video, to ban swearing before launching into a diatribe about liberals attitude to free speech.

Pie asks: Why are people so afraid of language?What baffles me is this fashion for stifling language and opinion comes from the left. Liberals. Students.

Students saying, You cant do this, you cant do thatall this youthful energy concentrating on stopping debates rather than winning them. No wonder being right-wing is the new RocknRoll on uni campuses. Thats how you rebel these days.

On a roll, Pie adds: Youve got students calling for statues of dead men to be torn to the ground because they were colonialists. Im not being funny but who wasnt?! Its not an honor to have a statue in your image or a building in your name 100 years after your death. Youre dead!

Its no longer an honor- its a reminder. Theyre reminders of how we got to where we are. Our history is being erased- by students. Some of them history students! Its revisionist. Its f***ing Orwellian. All for fear of causing offense.

Literature. If youre offended by To Kill a Mockingbird because it uses language of its time that is no longer acceptable, if you cant make that distinction, then youre a f***ing idiot and you have no appreciation of context and you have no place doing a f***ing literature degree.

And yet certain Unis- theyre putting trigger warnings on these novels because they may cause offense.

How many times do you hear that? This was edited, censored, banned because it may cause offense. Im sorry but no-one has a right not to be offended because offense- its entirely subjective.

Right on!

Read more from the original source:

Fictional TV Satirist Jonathan Pie Goes Viral Attacking Liberal Students' 'Orwellian' Tactics - Heat Street

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