Familiar face picked to lead Ascension – Simi Valley Acorn

Posted: March 10, 2017 at 3:24 am

Delkeskamp made senior pastor

ANSWERING THE CALLThe Rev. Timothy Delkeskamp will be installed as senior pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church on March 19. He served as associate pastor of the church for 13 years. The Rev. Timothy Delkeskamp has been called to become the new senior pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church, School and Foundation in Thousand Oaks.

This call to service comes after an 18-month process during which multiple candidates from across the country were interviewed by a call committee and following a congregation-wide vote that took place Feb. 26.

Delkeskamp will be installed during a ceremony at the church Sun., March 19, with reception to follow.

For the past 13 years, he has served as an associate pastor at Ascension. His duties have included serving as liaison pastor for the school, as well as outreach, worship and adult education.

He is also on the board of directors for Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County.

Delkeskamp was born in Brea, Calif., and raised in Orange County.

He graduated from Cal Lutheran University and has a doctorate from Luther Seminary in Minnesota.

After serving at Mount of Olives Lutheran Church in Mission Viejo, Calif., for five years, he accepted the call to come to Ascension in 2003.

His wife, Chamie, a United Methodist pastor, is Ascension Lutheran Schools religion teacher and coordinator of chapel.

The Delkeskamps have three children.

Ascensions former senior pastor, the Rev. Larry Wagner, retired in 2015 after 38 years at the church. The Rev. Paul Gravrock has served as interim senior pastor since then.

Original post:

Familiar face picked to lead Ascension - Simi Valley Acorn

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