WATCH: Price says GOP health care a ‘work in progress’ – PBS NewsHour

Posted: March 8, 2017 at 1:12 pm

White House spokesman Sean Spicer, along with Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, addressed the GOPs health care overhaul Tuesday during a news briefing.

WASHINGTON Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price says the new House Republican health care legislation is a work in progress that represents a step in the right direction.

Price says at the daily White House briefing that the administrations goal is to improve health care and coverage while reducing costs and making plans more affordable.

He says the bill is just one of three phases. He says the administration is also planning a regulatory overhaul and additional legislation to accomplish things that cant be done through the reconciliation process.

As for an early wave of opposition from conservative groups like Club for Growth, he says this is the beginning of the process. He says the administration looks forward to working with the groups through this process.

READ MORE: As Trump praises health care legislation, GOP tries to sell it.

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WATCH: Price says GOP health care a 'work in progress' - PBS NewsHour

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