Public needs to help get government back on track – Fairfield Daily Republic

Posted: March 4, 2017 at 3:52 pm

What kind of government or political actions affect your economic well-being?

This will be a brief review of some highlights. Or lowlights more accurately. Primarily, how the Democratic Party establishment has placed partisanship over public well-being. Party above country, so to speak. Making every effort to prevent the creation of a functional government. Deferring the proposed benefits of change as long as possible.

If they keep it up they may be able to put off tax reform benefits for a full year. Its a shameful show of pure partisanship at the expense of the American people. The solution is to get rid of these anti-American politicians, either by recall or by replacing them with representatives who will put the country and the American people above party and partisanship.

Where are our taxes and borrowed money going? To welfare for noncitizens and citizens, alike. Welfare that acts as a demotivator why work when you dont have to? The primary cause has been that we have failed to provide necessary skills. The result has been violent inner cities and a huge cost in dollars more importantly in lost opportunity and lives. We are giving people fish instead of teaching them to fish.

The cost of dependence in dollars is far less important than the cost of lost human productivity and the great loss of self-worth through achievement. So, what needs to be done to have an effective government? To create environments and systems that give every person in our country an equal chance to succeed? How about a year of national service for every individual? Provide the basic skills that individuals lack. Reform schools that ignore achievement and install systems that only reward achievement. Teach kids. And if current teachers cant or wont teach, replace them with teachers whowill.

Benefit programs such as pension plans and health programs are supposed to pay for themselves, so that there is no risk that promised benefits can be assured. In California, it is the norm for the budgets of government at all levels to be made up of up to 80 personal personnel costs. State mandates are primarily responsible: requirement to be a part of an inflated pension system that is driving cities and counties to bankruptcy. Local governments cannot withdraw without paying outrageous penalties. Unfunded liabilities hang over the heads of the public.

Here are some facts and history of why we are in such deep trouble:

So what can be done to get back on track?

Elect responsible representatives at all levels. Get rid of professional politicians by creating term limits and reducing politicians benefits. Right-to-work states have accomplished some of these things. Give public organizations an economical option for shedding unbearable public pension costs without excessive penalties.

There are pathways to economic health and reasonable costs of government. The public has to become aware that they are in jeopardy and become involved. Make the changes needed.

These are not pie-in-the-sky options. They do require involvement and courage on the part of the public. The public (you and me) can change government oppression through the use of the initiative process. Difficult but possible. Its up to us.

Murray Bass of Suisun City can be reached at 720-5139 or [emailprotected].

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Public needs to help get government back on track - Fairfield Daily Republic

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