Port Hope girls learn empowerment – Northumberland Today

Posted: March 1, 2017 at 9:05 pm


On Feb. 27, Grade 8 and 9 girls from Port Hope High and Dr. M.S. Hawkins Senior Public School took part in a half-day seminar focused on empowering girls.

The seminar was presented by Kate Whitfield, who has been speaking to girls across Canada and the US for six years since she started the FearlesslyGIRL organization in ninth grade.

The organization focuses on empowering a generation of young women to be bold, fearless leaders in their schools and personal lives.

The FearlesslyKind summit is about helping girls break down barriers between each other and be kinder to themselves and each other, Whitfield said.

It helps them to talk about their insecurities and the things we deal with, which is something we dont often share. Its about realizing that were all on the same page and the same team, and that girls really do need girls to support each other.

The girls listened to a half-hour keynote speech before breaking off into groups and taking part in team-building activities that helped them to talk about their insecurities and how they can work together to help each other. Each group was led by a ninth-grade student who had been picked to be a team leader and interact with the younger girls.

I kick off with a silent activity, where the girls gather in a big circle and are invited to step into the middle if the statement that I read is true. For example: I have been bullied, Whitfield said.

The point of this is for other girls to see without speaking that they have things in common with the girls around them. This is also a great way for them to get comfortable.

Finally, the groups filled out Dear Girl cards with inspirational words that they wanted to share.

The Dear Girl cards are so inspiring and incredible, Whitfield explained.

Its such a privilege to get to stand up in front of these girls and have these conversations and to connect with girls across the country, to show them that we are all going through similar things. I think when you feel supported and heard and understood, its such a powerful thing. Im lucky to get to facilitate those kinds of moments.

The two-hour seminar really hit home for the girls who took part, letting them know that they arent facing their insecurities alone.

I thought it was really healthy for us, eighth-grader Daria Waite said.

I think we needed that, because a lot of us just go through so much and we try to not talk about it. We need to open up and tell people because theyre going through the same thing.

Itll definitely motivate people in the future to take that chance, Reena Robins added.

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Port Hope girls learn empowerment - Northumberland Today

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