COLUMN: Maintain the wall and let freedom ring – The Daily Progress

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 8:00 pm

For centuries wars have raged over religion. Religious institutions are given special political status and dissenters are oppressed, even murdered. Many fled to these shores in hopes of creating something new, something different. In its early stages, it hadnt gone so well. In New England, those seeking freedom from persecution became the persecutors. Here in Virginia the established church followed them and continued its reign.

The kickback against religious oppression by those whose families fled it was one of the reasons for revolution. Once freedom was gained the question became what to do next. A new government, free of royalty, led by people with a stake in it must be designed, or why not keep what you have.

The influence of the churches, and of religion itself had to also be dealt with. These Enlightenment thinkers, some of the most educated in world history, knew that there had to be a way to build a society not dictated by religion. How else could a nation be formed from so many different ones who came fleeing persecution?

This question became paramount in the making of a Constitution, and there would be no union of states without freedom of religion. In reality, there can be no freedom at all without freedom of religion. This, more than anything else, separated America from the world, and even from world history.

America truly was the greatest nation the world had ever seen, due largely for this reason. A secular nation not beholding to any church was, in and of itself, revolutionary.

An implied concept supported by Supreme Court interpretations is the separation of church and state, meaning neither should interfere in the business of the other. Freedom itself depends upon this. This separation was to help both thrive.

James Madison, author of the Constitution, in speaking against those seeking to undermine this freedom referred to it as the old error. He further explained that, religion and government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together. This statement rings true as a merger of the past 150 years has created a new Christianity, and now seeks to create a new government.

Puritan theologian and the architect of religious freedom in America Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts in the late 1600s for his revolutionary ideas. The theocratic puritan state had failed in its mission to end the persecution they fled and he believed forced religion destroyed the very soul. His freedom of conscience ideas set America on the course to true freedom. Enforced uniformity confounds civil and religious liberty and denies the principles of Christianity and civility. No man should be required to worship or maintain a worship against his will, he wrote. Madison and Jefferson, among others, were quite familiar with Williams writings.

The old error now lays directly on our doorstep. Those who seek to execute this error and merge the two are great enemies to both religion and to the state. The Roman Empire syncretized Biblical Christianity with some other empirical religions and merged these with the civil government, to the destruction of both. A new religion arose that destroyed both Europe and the Middle East, and the empire itself collapsed, sending Europe into the Dark Ages.

Freedom of conscience is something to fight for, as is the freedom of religion it produces. History has otherwise shown that this is a dark and evil path to travel. Religious leaders will seek to control the masses and their resources. We see it in churches already. The only thing that arises is death and destruction, poverty and wealth accumulation for the religious/political leaders.

Moreover, the attackers of this great freedom act against the very religion they seek to force upon the people. Its tome, the Bible, teaches to Let everyone be fully convinced in his own mind (Romans 14:5) and the rhetorical, Why should my liberty be determined by someone elses conscience? (1 Cor 10:29). Did not Jesus himself teach that the wheat and the tares were to live together? (Matt 13:30) These and many other teachings led medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas to teach that everyone has a duty to believe and act in accord with ones own conscience. Reformation would follow.

Without religious freedom there can be no freedom at all. We must stand firm for what makes America great. Today, it is sought not to define Americas greatness by its freedoms, but by its ability to kill and destroy. Making America Great doesnt really mean great, it means more able to kill and destroy so the rich can get richer.

Freedom is worth fighting for. Together, lets protect both the state and the religion and ensure that the wall that separates them stands proud and tall to protect both and let freedom ring.

Tim Cotton lives with his family in Culpeper and is co-chairman of the Piedmont Green Party.

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COLUMN: Maintain the wall and let freedom ring - The Daily Progress

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