Letters: Dismiss Schimel, others for maps – The Sheboygan Press

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 6:34 am

USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin 4:02 p.m. CT Feb. 27, 2017

Letters to the Editor(Photo: USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin)Buy Photo

It appears that Wisconsin has had negligible, if any, voter fraud for the past decades. But since the most recent redistricting after 2010, the Badger State has had colossal election fraud with huge, widespread election impacts. A federal panel of court judges has ruled Wisconsins legislative maps to be unconstitutional. This election fraud has more severe impacts on election results than almost any voter fraud could ever have.

For fair elections, Wisconsin must redistrict the state WITHOUT DELAY. An independent districting board, NOT the Legislature, must do this work using the mathematical principles of compactness and contiguity, tempered with regards for communities of interest. Transparency and intentional, active public oversight and awareness are NECESSARY! It is unacceptable to allow future elections without new, non-gerrymandered legislative maps.

Although it is not possible to quantify exactly, the Wisconsin Election Fraud undoubtedly impacted (altered, influenced) mind-boggling quantities of revenues and expenditures. Given Wisconsins state annual budget (~$37 billion), it is most probable that at least $1 billion to more than $10 billion per year were impacted by this election fraud.

Attorney General Brad Schimel and Assistant AG Brian Keenan seek to delay and soften or dismiss the ruling of the federal panel of court judges. State Sen.Scott Fitzgerald and other senate leaders have spent more than $2 million Wisconsin taxpayer dollars in legal proceedings to maintain the unconstitutional legislative maps and mapping processes.

I call for the immediate dismissals of Schimel, Keenan and Fitzgerald for their attacks on fair legislative maps, an obvious cornerstone of democracy. Furthermore, I call for legal action against committee members who fielded the fraudulent, unconstitutional Wisconsin legislative maps currently in use. And, lastly, I call for suspension of the blank-check legal proceedings initiated by Fitzgerald and other senate leaders to fight redistricting of these unconstitutional legislative maps.

Steve Deibele


I enjoy that Sheboygan County is full of people who have lived here their entire lives, maybe even without ever going to a major city. But as the population grows, new traffic patterns have begun to emerge roundabouts, bike lanes, etc.

As a citizen who has been in many near accidents due to others not understanding these new traffic patterns, I have found myself wanting drivers in this community to take the job of driving more seriously. We need to educate on the correct way to enter and leave a roundabout. We need to educate on the purpose of a bike lane, and that it is for bicycles, not a second lane for vehicles. We need to also point out areas where speed limits have changed.

Just as there is a minimum driving age because of a teenager's attention and decision-making processes, so it should be considered when allowing the elderly to drive. I am not trying to discriminate against our senior citizens, but age causes a decline in decision making and reaction time, among many other things. I believe there should be a requirement that after a certain age, all should be required to re-test every year for a valid license. Additionally, this should be required of those who have just had a major medical procedure (regardless of age) that may affect their ability to drive.

I understand the pain that is involved with becoming more dependent as one ages or falls ill, but I think the safety of everyone should be taken into consideration.

Kellie Resnick


First, I want to thank the citizens who came out and voted for me and the other candidates. It was a good turnout and demonstrates the civic interest of our citizens.

Secondly, I want to thank the other candidates for a collegial election process. I felt that we all conducted ourselves in a friendly and courteous manner.

Finally, I want to thank the staff of the City Clerks office and the poll workers. The election was run efficiently and transparently and these people do their job well. But, this is the first of two steps. Be sure to underline April 4 for the second step and come out and vote.

Henry Nelson


Editors note: Henry Nelson is one of two city Common Council candidates who advanced to an April 4 election following a primary vote Feb. 21. Nelson is running for the councils sixth district seat, which represents part of Sheboygans south side.

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Letters: Dismiss Schimel, others for maps - The Sheboygan Press

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