Liberal heads explode as Trump CPAC speech confirms he means what he says – Canada Free Press

Posted: February 26, 2017 at 11:42 pm

Elections have consequences.


Thats the collective sound of liberals heads exploding during and after the presidents speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Their heads were exploding because he started right out with an example of the medias fake news. When he said fake media is the enemy of the people, most of the liberal medias headlines claimed Trump said the media are the enemy of the people. When they report fake news, they are the enemy of the people.

The push by the administration to enforce the immigration laws on the books, in order to minimize the number of illegal criminals in this country, is being reported by the liberal media as anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim. Thats a totally false representation for the purpose of promoting their preferred narratives.

The liberal media are fixated on any little mole hill out of which they can make a mountain against the Trump Administration.

The liberals heads were exploding as he listed what his priorities are, especially because they are the same as what he promised while campaigning. To make matters worse for liberals, hes already made progress, or already delivered, on some of those promises.

Jobs are coming back to this country because of the presidents positive tone from the top. More businesses are now planning to build or expand in the U.S.

The stock market is already responding to this positive tone, as well as the anticipated tax code changes by this administration and Congress.

The president is determined to repeal and replace the Unaffordable Care Act. He and Congress are on the same page, despite the Democrats fighting it every step of the way, and the liberal media saying it wont happen.

President Trump is going to authorize significant funding to rebuild our military. We have great men and women serving our country, but our military readiness is not what it should be because of inadequate funding and poor strategic leadership.

The newly confirmed Secretary of Veterans Affairs is saying all the right things about changes we need to make in order to take care of our veterans, a commitment by President Trump from the beginning of his run for the presidency.

President Trumps biggest conservative move was the nomination of an indisputably conservative judge, Neil Gorsuch, to the Supreme Court. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said Gorsuch will be confirmed one way or the other, despite Democrat stall tactics.

Instead of the liberal media pitching a hissy fit about how they are being treated by President Trump (treatment they richly deserve), they could be reporting on the amazing fact that the national debt has gone down by $12 billion in the first month of the Trump Administration.

This is a direct result of two executive orders by President Trump. One EO put a freeze on federal hiring except for the military, while the other EO which said if you want him to approve a new regulation, you need to show him two that will be eliminated.

In contrast, the national debt went up by $200 billion during the first month of the 44th presidents administration.

The overarching take away from the presidents CPAC speech was consistency. His priorities, agenda and purpose as well as his role as a voice for the people have not changed since he started running for president.

That consistency makes it harder to find a mole hill from which to create a convincing mountain in the eyes of the people who are paying attention. And yes! More people are paying attention.

Get used to it, liberal media! Hes just getting started.

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Liberal heads explode as Trump CPAC speech confirms he means what he says - Canada Free Press

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