7000 Solar Train Stations Self-Driving Car Evolution 100% Wind Electricity In Denmark Tesla Model 3 Updates … – CleanTechnica

Posted: February 26, 2017 at 11:20 pm

February 26th, 2017 by Zachary Shahan

Miss some of our stories thispast week? Below were the 20 most popular, followed by my 30 favorites of the week. Also, remember, you can get our free daily newsletter to not miss anything oryou can get our free weekly newsletter to always catch these roundup posts.

How about my favorites? As always, its hard to decide, but here are 30:

100% wind electricity in Denmark is insane in such an awesome way.

Speaking of 100% renewables, gotta love the UKs Squeaky.

But Big Renewables are spreading all over the world now, not just in Europe, with this weeks biggest stories being a 1.8 gigawatt solar project in the UAEand an overall solar pipeline of 5.7 gigawatts in the Middle East & North Africa region.

Dereks review of the 2017 Hyundai Ioniq Electricwas superb definitely worth a read if you missed that.

I love Joses monthly electric car sales reports on Europe and China, and also thought Chinas electric bus sales update was stunning.

Norway is still in a league of its own relatively speaking, though, with 37% of new cars now being electric.

LG Chem lifting its battery production capacity is another good sign.

And I think I have to like my own original piece for EV-Boxs rEVolution blog, which is a preview of what I will talk about in Amsterdam next month.

The electric car revolution may be far ahead of the electric plane revolution, but its certainlyexciting to see the initial seeds of commercial electric airplanes.

A 100 car all-electric taxi fleet is hard to not get overly excited about as well, and that was matched by Maven getting 100 Chevy Bolts in LA, but both of thosewere beatenby Dubai ordering 200 Teslas for electric taxis.

Of course, the many Tesla quarterly updates, especially regarding Model 3, were interesting to read. Plus, there was that earlier cool news of Tesla hiring 150200 people a week at the Gigafactory.

Firstsolarwind hybrid power plant in US? What took so long?

Speaking of late arrivals, I also loved Susans take on renewable energy fromthe EU finally getting into Russia as well as her piece on who benefits if Russian oil sanctions end.

On the flip side, looking at oil & gas, fracking seems to be causing more leaks than expected, and oil & gas wells being linked to childhood leukemia is clearly depressing even if its not surprising.

Speaking of disturbing shit we have a White House that intends to destroy the state, a newhead of an EPA that used to copy & paste letters from the oil & gas industry as his states attorney general. Preterm births, deaths, and suffering are certain to rise under Trumps and Pruitts EPA.

TeslaMondo is maybe my favorite blog so funny and so good at pulling critical points out of the haze. This ones a must-read.

This is just awesome: $1.8 Billion Of Indias Coal Tax Invested In Renewable Energy So Far.

As is this: 7,000 Railways Stations In India To Go Solar.

Despite all of the wonderful stories above, this one might be my favorite of the week: Hidden Taxes.

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Tags: Chevy Bolt, China, Denmark, Donald Trump, EPA, Europe, Ford, GM, Hyundai, Hyundai Ioniq Electric, India, Russia, Tesla, UK

Zachary Shahan is tryin' to help society help itself (and other species) with the power of the typed word. He spends most of his time here on CleanTechnica as its director and chief editor, but he's also the president of Important Media and the director/founder of EV Obsession, Solar Love, and Bikocity. Zach is recognized globally as a solar energy, electric car, and energy storage expert. Zach has long-term investments in TSLA, FSLR, SPWR, SEDG, & ABB after years of covering solar and EVs, he simply has a lot of faith in these particular companies and feels like they are good cleantech companies to invest in.

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7000 Solar Train Stations Self-Driving Car Evolution 100% Wind Electricity In Denmark Tesla Model 3 Updates ... - CleanTechnica

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